Friday, January 12, 2018

Samsung From Beginning To Present

If you are electronic goods lover and then give a look on your house hold items once, you will get one or two or may be entire household electronic item of Samsung. Samsung is one of the most popular brands for electronic goods.
Samsung started its journey in the year 1938 from Samsung town, Seoul present in South Korea. The company was started by Lee Byung-Chul not as an electronic good manufacturing unit but as a trading company. In the beginning years, Samsung expanded in areas like textile, insurance, food processing, retail and securities. In late 1960 company entered in the field of electronic (Now know for same) and in 1970s it started its operation in construction and shipping industry.
In the year 1987 company got divided into four separate groups, among which Samsung electronics grew to great pace. In 2012, Samsung was measures as largest information technology group. Now, it’s a conglomerate group. However, Samsung is best known for its electronic items that includes televisions, air conditioners, computers, liquid crystal display, monitors, refrigerators, music systems, semiconductors, printers, telecommunication networking equipment and not to leave mobile phones and smartphones.
Samsung is one of the leading players in Korean infrastructure and it is also listed in Korean Stock Exchange. In year 2011, Samsung compromised 59 unlisted companies and some 19 listed companies. All of them had their listing in Korean Stock Exchange.
Subsidiaries And Affiliates Of Samsung
Ace Digitech, Cheil Industries, Cheil Worldwide, Credu, Imarket Korea, Samsung Card, Samsung SDS, Samsung C&T Corporation, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Engineering and others.
About Samsung Mobile Phones
In addition to household electronics goods, Samsung is popularly known for its smartphones and mobiles phones. Company offers wide range of phone with unmatched features. It also offers tablets and phone accessories.

In order to handle all the issues with the Samsung phone call at the Samsung Mobile Service Centres in Kolkata and soon solve the issues in no time. You can talk with the technical experts and avail with indeed a preferable way for solving so many issues so contact anytime and our team will aid with the immediate and best way out. Chat with the support team and get reliable solutions for all sorts of complications now!